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You can now book in to get this seasons Private Flu shot. Book online through our website.

At this stage we only have Private Flu shots available and will open up for over 65 and public flu shots shortly.

#fluseason #flushot #whitehorsemedical #health #mitcham #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice
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You can now book in to get this seasons Private Flu shot. Book online through our website.

At this stage we only have Private Flu shots available and will open up for over 65 and public flu shots shortly.

#fluseason #flushot #whitehorsemedical #health #mitcham #melbournedoctors #generalpractice

There is help out there for those that suffer with endometriosis. Speak to your GP today if you think you might have endometriosis or if you have it and need more help managing your symptoms.

#endometriosisawareness #generalpractitioner
#health #mitcham #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice #healthcare #whitehorsemedical
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Endometriosis can be different for every women.

Speak to your gp to see how they can help you.

#mitcham #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice #healthcare #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner
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Please meet the new GP that will be working out of Whitehorse Medical from Monday the 17th of March.

Dr. Jane Sheedy (General Practitioner) BSc BMBS FRACGP DRANZCOG MMED skin cancer, grew up in Melbourne and graduated from Flinders Medical School in 1995. Prior to studying medicine, Jane completed a science degree at Melbourne University majoring in microbiology and immunology. Jane has experience working in hospital and general practice environments in Adelaide, Jakarta, Townsville, Canberra and Melbourne. She became a fellow of the RACGP in 2003 and enjoys all aspects of General Practice.

Jane has a Masters in Skin Cancer from the University of Queensland and is an accredited skin cancer Doctor with the Australasian Skin Cancer College. She also holds certificates in Dermatology and is a member of the International Dermoscopy Society. She provides full skin checks and mole removal.

Jane also specialises in Women’s Health and has a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the Royal Australian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She provides antenatal care, implanon insertion & removal, Mirena removal and menopause care. She is a member of the Australian Menopause Society.

In her spare time Jane is a keen cook and enjoys walking & playing with her dogs, reading & trying to play the flute & piano.

#health #mitcham #melbournedoctors #generalpractice
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Please meet the new GP that will be working out of Whitehorse Medical from Monday the 17th of March.

Dr. Jane Sheedy (General Practitioner) BSc BMBS FRACGP DRANZCOG MMED skin cancer, grew up in Melbourne and graduated from Flinders Medical School in 1995. Prior to studying medicine, Jane completed a science degree at Melbourne University majoring in microbiology and immunology. Jane has experience working in hospital and general practice environments in Adelaide, Jakarta, Townsville, Canberra and Melbourne. She became a fellow of the RACGP in 2003 and enjoys all aspects of General Practice.

Jane has a Masters in Skin Cancer from the University of Queensland and is an accredited skin cancer Doctor with the Australasian Skin Cancer College. She also holds certificates in Dermatology and is a member of the International Dermoscopy Society. She provides full skin checks and mole removal.

Jane also specialises in Women’s Health and has a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the Royal Australian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She provides antenatal care, implanon insertion & removal, Mirena removal and menopause care. She is a member of the Australian Menopause Society.

In her spare time Jane is a keen cook and enjoys walking & playing with her dogs, reading & trying to play the flute & piano.

 #health #mitcham #melbournedoctors #generalpractice

We will reopen tomorrow.

Call 000 for emergencies.
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We will reopen tomorrow.

Call 000 for emergencies.

Donning colour purple in celebration of International Women’s Day, with the newest member of our team: Dr Gleda A#healthcaret#whitehorsemedicale#generalpractitionert#mitchami#MelbourneDoctorso#internationalwomensdaye#IWDy #iwd ... See MoreSee Less

Donning colour purple in celebration of International Women’s Day, with the newest member of our team: Dr Gleda Ang.

 #healthcare #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #mitcham #melbournedoctors #internationalwomensday #iwd

Due to the Labour Day public holiday on Monday the clinic will be closed Monday the 10th of March. We will re open on Tuesday the 11th of March.

For emergencies call 000

#mitcham #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #healthcare #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice #melbournedoctor
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Due to the Labour Day public holiday on Monday the clinic will be closed Monday the 10th of March. We will re open on Tuesday the 11th of March.

For emergencies call 000

 #mitcham #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #healthcare #melbournedoctors #generalpractice #MelbourneDoctor

Endometriosis can be different for everyone.

#mitcham #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #healthcare #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice #melbournedoctor
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#mitcham #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #healthcare #MelbourneDoctors #GeneralPractice #melbournedoctor
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 #mitcham #whitehorsemedical #generalpractitioner #healthcare #melbournedoctors #generalpractice #MelbourneDoctor
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